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Excellent Reads for Parents and Teachers on Homework

Homework forms a hotly contested and debated subject within the education community. Many believe that it’s necessary in enhancing the intellectual and cognitive development of students. Similarly, there exists a different camp that contests the issue of homework based on its overburdening nature on students, and its subsequent demotivation and creativity suffocation aspect. 

As such, no definitive scientific or academic answer can settle the argument between the two camps. However, a need for the re-conceptualizing of the homework notion grows by the day, especially with the achievement gap and digital divide existing in schools. How can such disparities get bridged? What role can homework play in bridging this gap?

Excellent Reads about Homework

Many people have grown accustomed to issuing or doing homework, especially if you fall under the student or teacher category. As such, it becomes crucial to understand the dark side when it comes to after-school assignments, besides learning the perennial myths that surround it. So what books can prove valuable in comprehending all this and debunking generational myths concerning homework?

  • The End of Homework. The book focuses on ways homework can disrupt families, overburden kids, and limit their learning. It is authored by John Buell and Etta Kralovec. The two educators dared to contest a broadly acknowledged practice in schools in America. It’s their provocative dispute about voluminous homework proving better in the book, which featured in several women’s magazines, the Times, and the Newsweek. The same argument got aired on national TV networks and radio broadcasts. 
  • The Homework Myth. The book tackles the aspect of kids getting too many bad things in the form of homework. It’s authored by Alfie Kohn and it provides an incisive analysis of misconceptions when it comes to learning. Further, the book dissects the misguided emphasis on competitiveness, which leaves kids with so little free time and more conflict within the family setup. Further, the book points to stories about parent’s retaliatory efforts and education institutions which proved that education excellence can become possible devoid of homework. 
  • The Case Against Homework. The book focuses on homework and ways in which it can hurt kids. Further, it also looks at the ways parents can respond to the situation. It is authored by Sara Bennet and Nancy Kalish, who premise the truth to the lack of evidence about homework assisting academic achievement for kids in elementary school and very little evidence it helps advanced students. Further, it enumerates how the workload at night can have serious ramifications on families. It robs kids of their deserved sleep, exercise, and playtime. As such, it hinders proper emotional, neurological, and physical development that can lead to childhood obesity.   
  • Closing The Book On Homework. The book tries to enhance public education and has John Buell as the author. It tries to debunk the claim about homework evoking long-term discipline. The claim has no backing when you factor in the broad empirical work. Further, other extracurricular activities or factors can similarly have crucial roles in contributing to the virtue of discipline in kids and young grown-ups.  
  • Rethinking Homework. It focuses on the best practices, which can back different needs. Authored by Vatterott Cathy, it examines the homework role in the schooling culture over the years. 


You can always have questions concerning homework, but by reading these books, you will get reliable answers and insights on how to go about after-school assignments.

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